Are You Stressed Before Your Wedding? Start Couples Therapy Today

If things are getting tense between you and your partner before your wedding, and you find yourselves in a lot of fights and disagreements, it may be wise to seek out couples therapy options. This will allow you to get through this stressful time, and it can set you up for a better marriage. Studies have proven that when emotionally-focused therapy is used, therapy is 75 percent effective. This could be a great way to improve your life and the mental health of both you and your partner.

Do You Need Adult ADHD Counseling?

If you are an adult with ADHD, then you can benefit from adult ADHD counseling. This is a type of counseling that can help you be more functional in your own head and can give you lots of reassurance that you're doing all the right things for your mental health and neuro-divergent way your brain works. Whether you are newly diagnosed with adult ADHD or you have had it your whole life and you are wanting to have more control of your adult life and challenges, adult ADHD counseling can work well for you.

Want To Have A Successful Telehealth Therapy Session? Here's What You Should Do

Online counseling has continued to be more popular in most parts of the country and also worldwide. For this reason, most patients prefer to book a telehealth therapy appointment because of its numerous benefits. Telehealth is virtual or online therapy where the patient and therapist use online chats or video conferencing for their therapy sessions. Here, you just require a mobile phone, tablet, or computer, a reliable internet connection, and a secure online platform.

Are You Swiping Your Life Away? Therapy Can Help You Prevent And Control Social Media Addiction

When you think about the dangers of addictive behavior, you may not think about social media. However, social media addiction can be destructive, as it can put stress on relationships, interfere with sleep, and cause you to isolate yourself from others. Going to therapy can help you learn to manage your social medial use so it does not monopolize your life. Getting honest If you enjoy spending time on social media, it is not always easy to admit you are spending hours swiping and scrolling.

2 Things You Can Donate To Support A Child Welfare Cause

Unfortunately, countless children go without the basic necessities in life. Perhaps the saddest thing about it is that these kids are often the victims of child abuse and/or neglect or other unfair circumstances.  There are many things most people take for granted that could make a world of difference to these children. If you're looking for a child welfare cause to support, here are two things you can donate to help make a difference.